Mission Statement
Delivering dignity to our community by accepting & donating worn clothing in efforts to heal mended hearts.
Vision Statement
We serve as a healing resource in the Metro Atlanta, Ga. community for the homeless and less- fortunate.
Core Values
Deliver- dignity through healing your closet
Heal- love and respect for all that is loss
Lift- the community where we reside
Provide- strength and passion when we serve
Shield- and protect broken hearts and spirits
Since 2019, during the pandemic, our CEO, Latoya Murray, begun collecting clothing and shoes donations for men, women, and children when she noticed stores such as, Goodwill and other companies had shut down their operation. During the pandemic, we all fell down on hard times; however, we were given a chance to bounce back; unlike many homeless and unhoused community members in the Metro Atlanta area.
We chose to continue to give back after many businesses reopened because we care about everyone who has been forgotten. Over the last few years, our team has discovered that approximately 10,234 "Georgians" are experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 864 were family households, 764 were Veterans, 504 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 1,374 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. (USICH)
Women are the fastest-growing segment of homeless population with 34% of families. Of these thirty- four percent, 84% are headed by women. 43% are black families.
Our intentions at HCCorp, is to make everyone feel welcomed and respected through our core values as we provide our services.
“We provide it all for all and to all; Delivering dignity through healing your closet.”
Majority of our proceeds go to providing wearable clothing for the homeless, programs for many loss adolescents, social gatherings for forgotten soldiers, and many more events for anyone who has been estranged or separated from the community.
Check out our work and if you would like to join us click here!